What is 2046?: a year, a space time, a physical place to find love, a state of mind, paradise, a hotel room, a story. We will never know because no one has ever come back.
This is a movie with the stamp of its director, I liked the close shoots without much background, the dark scenes, the recurring scenes that make an autoreference to the movie.
It is a slow movie that in the 25 minute you still do not know where is going, and even then is not very clear.
It is hard to watch, and even harder to understand and like, it is one of those movies you have to think about many of the actions before you start to grasp and get the meaning. This is a movie that wont catch many commercial watchers, but that is very well done and it deserves the two hours.
"Love is a matter of coordination, it is worthless to find the right person if it is not the right time"
"Why cant it be like it was before"
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