I did not like it much. The story has a slowly pace filled with unnecesary chapters. There is also an incredibly high number of fortuitous and lucky situations for the character. Another bad aspect is that the setting is in Spain and the book is in english. The best parts are the one when he is in Gibraltar as an armorer and in Saragossa as a physician. Despite this it has interesting historical facts, as the coincidential time of the discovery of America and the expelling of the jews from Spain. The descriptions of the medieval life, and specially the medical ones are good. It has many similarities with the physician.
"Then you must see the powers of medical arts more clearly. A physician is able to ease the suffering of a small number of people. We fight their diseases, we bind their wounds and set their broken bones and deliver their young. Yet every living creature eventually must come to an end. So despite our learning and skill and passion, some of our patients die, and we must not overly mourn of feel guilt that we are not gods who are able to grant eternity... Because if you lack this understanding you will be a poor phisician indeed, for you will go mad." The reason for being a physician as explained by Nuño Fierro to Yonah Toledano.

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