Sunday, December 19, 2010

16. La historia del loco.

16. La historia del loco. John Katzenbach. 497 paginas. Diciembre 2010.
Es un libro con un fondo bueno y una idea que llama la atención las primeras cien paginas. Pero después cae 300 paginas en un circulo sin nada emocionante y un final decepcionante para un libro tan largo.
Los diagnósticos médicos son mas o menos acertados y las descripciones de las personalidades son muy buenas, en especial la del Francis el protagonista y su esquizofrenia. Hay aspectos buenos, como las conversaciones tensionantes, pero al final todo es resuelto de una manera facilista. No tan bueno como los demas libros, El Psicoanalista sigue siendo el mejor.

"A varios de los que conoci durante lo que me gusta considerar mis años de verdadera locura les fue peor que a mi. Sus voces les gritaban ordenes -Muevete- -Haz esto- -Haz lo otro- o peor -suicidate- o peor aun -mata a alguien-. Las voces que chillaban a esos tipos procedían de Dios, de Jesús, de Mahoma, del perro del vecino, de su tío abuelo fallecido, de extraterrestres, de un coro de arcángeles o de un coro de demonios. Esas voces eran insistentes, imperativas e intransigentes.

21. Zombieland.

21. Zombieland. Ruben Fleischer.
Another proof that an excellent movie can be made about any topic (zombies) and in any way (comedy) . It has an excellent intro with great images, music and explanations by the main character (Jesse Eisenberg as Columbus). He has a good speech in a very personal and relaxed way.
The setting up of the rules, and the later recurrence are very good.
Despite being a comedy the movie creates a lot of suspense and very good scenes filled with emotions. This along with a great cast and strong characters make and excellent movie.
"Rule 33: Enjoy the little things" "Some rules are made to be broken" "Is tough growing up"
"Wherever this girl was thats were I wanted to be"

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

20. Dangerous Liaisons.

20. Dangerous Liaisons.
A very exciting movie. The symmetrical scenes, the music, the clothes, the landscapes, the houses get together to make exceptional settings that are filled with a great cast that make great performances. Glenn Close and John Malkovich make very powerful characters. They get the story going by performing all the plotting and the cheating and the treachery. I liked the parallel stories with continuous developments that at some point get together very well.
"listen and observe, practice detachment and deceive"
"I certainly believe one should constantly try to improve thyself"
"Never opens his mouth without calculating"