Saturday, May 7, 2011

24. A Storm of Swords.

24. A Storm of Swords. George R. R. Martin. 1145 pages. June 2011.
More of the same. The 7 books wont change much on their style, just the developing of the story that can end in a complete success or in complete shame. Finally some things are revealed, but more things create doubts that nobody knows when will be told. Now the characters that have been pov all the time are very well developed. The story is moving forward now, but soon some of the characters will have to lose and the fans of every character wont be happy with that.

" There can be honor in a lie if it is told for the right reason". Samwell tarly to himself.
"Sometimes the short road is not the safest". Mance Ryder to Jon Snow.
"Madness and greatness are two sides of the same coin". King Jaehaerys Targaryen to Barristan Selmy.

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