Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Section on Reading.

Girl You Should Date.Mark Grist on Girls who read.

What do you go for in a girl? I like a girl who reads... a girl who feeds her addiction for fiction.... for days and days and days she will seat addicted at breakfast... because she is interesting and she is unique... is a girl with passion, wits and dreams...

The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore.

In a world ruled by books, with a humble Humpty Dumpty, where books come to life when read by a Doctor, and where eternity is granted. If life is enjoyed does it have to make sense?
Oscar nominated - Short Film Commercial.

A Girl You Should Date.

Essay about Love and Literary Taste.

Listing your favorite books and authors is a crucial, if risky, part of self-branding.
reading habits can be a rough indicator of other qualities. “It tells something about ... their level of intellectual curiosity, what their style is.

After all, women read more.

Naming a favorite book or author can be fraught.
sometimes people can end up liking the same things for vastly different reasons.

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